How Do You Begin the End?

This is my final post. It’s been a year or so since I took a break from the Interwebs–away from writing online, from traveling and speaking, from Tweeting and Facebooking and Snapchatting and the like. … Read More

To All The Mothers Who Will Never Hold Their Babies on Mother’s Day

I never realized how weird Mother’s Day is when you’ve lost a child; I always heard it, but I didn’t understand. Now, in a poppy-seed-sized way, I do. So, if you are missing your own child, regardless of how or when he or she departed, know you are not alone, and I wish you the happiest of Mother’s Day. Nothing will ever change the fact that you are a mother.

Look What God Did

Dear 25 year old Anne, It’s me. Anne. Today you…me…we…? turn 35. Holy Moses, has it been a decade? I wanted to tell you four words: “Look what God did.” 25 year old Anne, 2005 was … Read More

Redefining Friendship

When Facebook first opened its “Sign Up” doors to those of us far removed from a .edu email address, I remember landing in a competition with a coworker on who could “friend” more people than … Read More